
Galatians 6:1-5 Am I My Brother's Keeper

I am still trying to decide what the title of Sunday’s sermon should be. It will either be "Am I my brother’s keeper?" or "A Spirit-Filled Church." Honestly, both of these titles bring out Paul’s teaching in this final chapter of Galatians. After telling the Galatians not to use their freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but instead serve one another through love, Paul gave us specific examples of "the works of the flesh," and "the fruit of the Spirit." He ended chapter 5, giving believers a command. It isn’t "do better," or "work harder." He commands that believers keep in step with the Spirit, not becoming conceited or provoking one another. Galatians 6:1 is a continuation of this thought as Paul continues giving specific instructions about what "keeping in step with the Spirit" looks like in the body of Christ. It is believers gently restoring one another when they are caught in transgressions. The Judaizers in Galatia, who believed keeping laws makes people right with God, could do nothing for the sinner but bite and devour them. The law offers no redemption. But those who are spiritual (i.e. who have the Spirit) are restore such a person because we have the only means of restoration - repentance and faith in the gospel. In the same way, keeping in step with the Spirit means that believers bear one another’s burdens. Incredibly, Paul says bearing one another’s burdens fulfills the law of Christ. And he equates not bearing one another’s burdens with deceitful pride (6:2-3). In Galatians 6, Paul is applying what it means to keep in step with the Spirit in the real, day-to-day lives of the Galatians Christians. And his application for them is still our application today. When we are keeping in step with the Spirit, we will be discipling one another, loving one another, and bearing one another’s burdens.

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