
Acts 5:1-16 When Sin Enters The Camp

In Acts 5, opposition to the church’s mission doesn’t come from outside forces seeking to kill or imprison the community. This time, opposition attacks the church from within as Satan fills the hearts of Ananias and Sapphira to introduce hidden sin into the community of faith. The account of this married couple’s fate is a disturbing reminder of the seriousness of sin, both for the individual and for the church as she walks out the mission of Christ. 

Though the church is perfectly forgiven and the condemnation of sin is removed by the blood of Jesus, sin is still wicked and reprehensible to God. Therefore, it must be reprehensible to us as well. We dwell in the presence of the Holy One - and He dwells in us. Our hearts and lives are exposed before Him. Not only do we see the seriousness of sin in this account, but we also understand the urgency of repentance. Sapphira is given an opportunity before God and His people to repent of her sin and be forgiven. Although sin is inevitable because we still dwell in fallen flesh, it is never acceptable. So John writes to the church saying, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9) We must walk humbly with our God, admitting our sin and casting our hope upon the death and resurrection of Jesus in order to live out our mission in His power. 

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