
Acts 6:8-15 The Power Of A Single Witness

Last week in Acts 6, we saw the church adapt to the needs that growth brought. They came together and appointed seven men to oversee aspects of ministry in the Jerusalem church. Two of these men, Stephen and Phillip, will be the focus of the next few chapters in Acts. Through Stephen’s brief ministry, his testimony before the Sanhedrin, and his execution, God will propel the church out of Jerusalem to the nations. Although Stephen’s life will be cut short, it would be hard to find one who is more powerfully used by God for His kingdom. Sunday as we read Acts 6:8-15, we will acquaint ourselves with Stephen’s character and his ministry. He stands as an example for the church of one who is full of faith, grace, and the Holy Spirit. He demonstrates the character of one who draws strength from the presence of the Lord which is how he can face false accusations and martyrdom with peace and forgiveness for his murderers. Not only does his testimony and death propel the church outward, but they also have a profound effect on a man named Saul of Tarsus. His relatively short life shows us the power of a single witness wholly surrendered to Christ. No matter what the circumstances or the brevity of life, a single witness full of grace and power from the presence of Christ will resound throughout eternity.

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