
1 Peter 2:18-20 Enduring Suffering Under Unjust Authorities

1 Peter 2:18-25 addresses Christian servants (slaves, bond-servants) in the Roman Empire, which would have been most of the earliest readers of his epistle. While there isn’t a one to one correspondence between slaves serving in first century Rome and believers today in South Central Kansas, it is a huge mistake to think there is no application for us. The most common employee / employer relationship in the Roman Empire was between master and bond-servant, and all of us, at one time or another, have had to serve under an unjust or unreasonable authority.

Peter speaks to those who are miraculously delivered by the saving grace of the King of kings. These believers are given an eternal inheritance that cannot be defiled or fade away - it is kept by God Himself for them - But, when they looked around, they were still subject to unjust and worldly people. They still served in their jobs and they were suffering under worldly and wicked masters. Peter’s admonition to them is surprising. Be subject to them! This, Peter says, is a gracious thing in the sight of God. How do we do such a thing? How can we possibly do so?

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