
Acts 2:1-21 A New Era Dawns

As chapter 2 opens, we see the inauguration of a new era. The Spirit’s coming marks the fulfillment of God’s new covenant promise to indwell His people. Because Jesus has come, died to pay for sin, risen from the grave, and has been exalted to the right hand of the Father - God Himself has made his dwelling place within His people and by His Spirit, He makes us witnesses for His name. This incredible beginning of the church shows us that God is still advancing His kingdom in our world and He is faithful to His promises. Now - every single gospel-believer, from the least to the greatest, is imbued with power from on High. By the gospel, every Christian is a temple of the living God, born again to be His priests, His prophets, and His ambassadors as we bear witness to the gospel in the power of His Spirit.