
Acts 4:1-12 By No Other Name

Chapter 4 begins a turning point in the book of Acts. As the disciples obey Jesus’ command to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, opposition to the gospel mission rears its head. In fact, after chapter 3, there are only three chapters in the rest of the book of Acts that do not mention some form of persecution or opposition. This will be a reality in the life of the church until Jesus returns. However, opposition does not hinder the progress of the gospel. Historically just the opposite is true. The church grew most exponentially in the first three centuries under the most extreme persecution. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation even in the face of opposition. Peter’s sermon at the end of Acts 3 was earth shaking for the people in the Temple courts. But as he stood before the crowd, the leaders of Jerusalem appeared to arrest he and John. These are the same men who turned Jesus over to be crucified and declared Him a blasphemer just two months earlier. Yet Luke tells us that despite this show of Temple authority, the gospel message took root in many hearts (Acts 4:4). And Sunday, we will see Peter give basically the same sermon before the Sanhedrin that he gave in the Temple courts. Through this, we will examine why the gospel always bring opposition (both worldly and spiritually) and we will see how we stand faithfully in the midst of it. We also see why we MUST stand faithfully - because "there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12) Subscribe to the Sermon podcast on itunes or search for "jason velotta" in your podcasting app Visit more audio, video, books, and teaching materials