
Acts 19:21-41 The Gospel Confronts Culture

In the final section of Acts 19:21-41, we witness a riot in Ephesus. A group of silversmiths who make idols for the great temple of Artemis in Ephesus recognize that their business has slowed down considerably. People have changed. They are no longer buying their idols and visiting the Temple of Artemis. The leader of the silversmiths, who’s name is Demetrius, correctly diagnoses the problem. That guy named Paul has filled the province of Asia with the teaching of Jesus Christ. The gospel has gone forth in not just Ephesus, but all of Asia and it has changed people’s lives. Churches have been planted and souls have been saved. And because of the gospel’s advance in this region, the culture has changed. Paul and the disciples have not been picketing the temple or causing disturbances to get idolatry outlawed. They have been plodding along day after day, sharing the gospel and making disciples.

This is how cultures are turned to the living God - one heart at a time. A society’s culture (meaning their shared values, beliefs, and way of life) doesn’t come from anything except the hearts of the people within the culture. In order to turn a culture back to God, people’s hearts must be changed and only the gospel can do that. Idolatry wasn’t diminishing in Ephesus because of any political or social action. It was diminishing because more and more people were being won to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit was changing their values, beliefs, and practices.

But we must also be ready, because when people’s idols are threatened they lash out just as this emotional mob does in Ephesus. They are enraged that their goddess Artemis and her temple were being dishonored. They had their identity wrapped up in their idolatry so when it was threatened, they devolved into an emotional frenzy shouting "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!" Yet here we are two thousand years later - there are no more Artemis worshipers. Her temple in Ephesus is in pitiful ruin - but the gospel of Jesus Christ still stands and still saves. There is hope for culture. There is hope for lost loved ones. There is hope for eternity. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. And our call is to plod along for all of our lives sharing that good news and watch God change lives.