
Acts 9:1-23 An Encounter With Jesus Changes Everything

But as we will see in Acts 9:1-23, an encounter with the risen Jesus changes everything! The conversion of Saul is one of the most important events in Acts. It is so important that Luke recounts the event three times in the book. In Acts 9 he describes the event and then Paul testifies to what happened in Acts 22 before a crowd and in Acts 26 before King Agrippa. It is here that Jesus breaks one who’s heart seems unconquerable. It is here that Jesus calls an unexpected instrument for His glory. And it is here that an uncompromising disciple of Jesus is born. Although you may have never physically seen the risen Jesus or been blinded by the light of God’s glory, Saul’s conversion accords with every person who has experienced the risen Jesus as the Spirit Himself convicts the soul and comes to dwell in the heart changed by the gospel. This is also why our mission to point people to Jesus and say "look to Him, run to Him, and walk with Him," because an encounter with Jesus changes everything.