
Acts 9:19-31 A Life Transformed By Christ

Sunday we are back in Acts 9. When we left this chapter two weeks ago, Saul of Tarsus, the great persecutor of the church had an encounter with Jesus on his way to Damascus. His encounter with Jesus changed everything! He was left helpless, broken, and blind. Jesus sent Ananias to lay his hands on Saul in order that his sight would be restored and he would be filled with the Holy Spirit. From that moment, Saul’s life was transformed. As we examine Acts 9:19-31, Luke shows us the depths of the transformation that has taken place. Saul’s heart has been changed to serve the one he once persecuted and fellowship with those he once hated. As Saul repeatedly bears witness now plots and opposition are formed against him, and the church (whom he once hated) repeatedly aids in his rescue. 

In this text, we will stand amazed at the tenacity, the resolve, and the exploits of this new man - Saul of Tarsus. In fact, throughout the rest of the book of Acts, he will be a beacon for the gospel and a powerful instrument in the hand of Christ. But Luke goes into great detail here in Acts 9, not to teach us to "go be like Saul," or "work harder" or "do better" in following Saul’s example. Luke records this section to show what Jesus Christ has done in the heart of Saul. It is Jesus’ work in him that has transformed him into a witness, a warrior, an ambassador for Christ. It is Jesus that has made Saul a new creature and now fills his heart with a desire to witness, to worship with the church, and follow the commands of Christ. Luke has this section here to show us that even the hardest of hearts is changed completely by an encounter with Jesus. The question we must ask is not "am I doing as good as Saul?" The question we must ask is "has Jesus changed my heart like this?"

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