
Acts 10:1-33 The Gospel To All And For All

This Sunday, as we look at Acts 10:1-33, we see Jesus removing a final barrier for the gospel to expand to the nations. We have already seen Phillip preaching in Samaria and to an Ethiopian Eunuch, but in Acts 10, God brings Peter together with a Gentile Roman soldier. The salvation of this soldier, Cornelius, throws the door open to show the Apostles, and the Jewish church that all people of every nation are equally welcomed into the kingdom of God through the gospel. In this chapter, God prepares Cornelius to understand that he needs the gospel. Cornelius is a devout, prayerful man. He is sincere in his belief and filled with good works. Yet, this cannot make him right with God. An angel of the Lord tells him to send for Peter. He needs the gospel in order to be saved.

And at the same time, God sends a divine message to Peter, showing him that there is no longer a distinction between "clean and unclean" people. Peter’s heart is also prepared to accept that God has opened the door wide for all nations, all races, and all cultures to be accepted by Him through the messiah that he has sent. And through the movements of verse 1-33, we find our calling in this kingdom as well. God spoke to Cornelius through an angel. He could have easily given Cornelius the gospel Himself. Yet, Jesus has chosen to spread the gospel kingdom through his people. Through disciples who make disciples. So, with one hand he prepares Cornelius and with the other hand he prepares Peter. And at the right time, He brings both of these people together so that His disciple shares His message with one who needs it. And as that message is given, Jesus saves him. That is a miracle that is still happening today. Jesus is sending out His people to make disciples for His name. He has a divine meeting planned for you and a divine commission for us all.

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