
Colossians 2:6-15 Walking In Christ

Although we have only completed the first chapter of Galatians, we will pause our study for the next two weeks. On Easter Sunday of course, we will focus on the resurrection and the gospel as we celebrate our risen savior. On Palm Sunday this week, I would like to focus our hearts more fully on what walking in the gospel entails, which is a theme we have seen already in Galatians. Being rooted and grounded in the gospel is the necessary and essential foundation for the maturing Christian life, and the life devoted to Christ’s commission to make disciples. As we drill down into this vitally important truth, I hope to draw our attention to a passage God used personally and powerfully in my life as I struggled to comprehend the growing Christian life - Colossians 2:6-15. I pray the Lord will use this text in your life just as He did in mine as we prepare ourselves for Resurrection Sunday, the transition of the building process, and our larger commission to make disciples of Christ.

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