
Galatians 2:15-21 A Call To Remember

Sunday we will jump back in to the middle of Paul’s rebuke of Peter. In verses 11-14, we saw that Peter was not walking in step with the gospel. He drew back from fellowship with the Gentiles because he feared those of the circumcision party. Paul called this hypocrisy and said Peter stood condemned. Peter believed the gospel but he was not walking in step with what he believed. His actions said that Jesus’ death and resurrection was not enough to cleanse his Gentile brothers and sister before God. As we walked through those verses, we noted how we often live out of step with the gospel. We often fall back into thinking that works of the law must be added to what Jesus accomplished. We do this in the way we respond to trials in despair; when we refuse to reconcile with other believers; when we act or think in ways that says Jesus has not given me all I need to satisfy my soul. Paul calls this hypocrisy. But to remedy the situation, Paul doesn’t give Peter laws or rules to follow. Instead, he reminds Peter of the gospel in which he believes. Sunday we will see how Paul does this and use this as a template to remind ourselves of the gospel when we walk out of step with it. Whatever we face, whatever pain we experience or trial we endure - Jesus is enough. He has given us all things. And that means he has cleansed our brothers and sisters in Christ as well. If Jesus is enough - then we must walk in that truth in our own lives and in our relationships with one another.

Verses 15-21 make up the central theme of the book of Galatians. I hope you can join us as we remind ourselves of the gospel so that we may grow to live more and more in step with that truth.

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