
Galatians 4:21-5:1 Children Of Promise

Fathers’ Day is a wonderful day of thanksgiving and celebration as people thank God for the gift of our dads. It is a blessing from the Lord when a father leads his family in the Lord. Fathers’ Day is also a day of remembrance and mourning for those whose fathers have passed away. And Fathers’ Day is also hard for those who may not have had a close relationship with their father for one reason or another. Regardless of the memories and emotions Fathers’ Day brings, as believers in Christ, we have a perfect Father who loves us more than we can ever understand. We have a Father who gave His only begotten Son that we might be adopted into His family. In Galatians 4:21-5:1, Paul shows us that in Christ, we are children of Promise just as Isaac. This section of Galatians is the dramatic conclusion to Paul’s argument in chapters 3-4. From Abraham’s own sons (Ishmael & Isaac) Paul shows the Galatians that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of God’s covenant promise to Abraham. Therefore, those who come to God by grace through faith in Jesus are children of promise. This section is filled with Old Testament references and quotes, so I am praying God will make the text clear as we walk through it. Because time is always short and this text is very dense, try to read through Galatians 4:21-5:1 a few times before Sunday...and have a happy Fathers’ Day.

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