
Galatians 5:13-18 Free To Walk In The Spirit

Throughout Galatians we have been hearing that we are free in Christ. We are free in the gospel. We are free from slavery to the law and now we are under grace. We have also seen how that message of freedom is offensive to the pride and self-righteousness of mankind. The gospel says you can do nothing to earn right standing before God - you can do nothing to keep yourself in right standing with God, and that stings. And even we who have found our rest in Christ are not immune. Through these sermons in Galatians, as we have repeatedly heard about grace, the gospel, and freedom from the law, there has probably been something inside you that said, "Hold on. We also have to live for Christ! People are going to hear these messages and think freedom from the law means freedom to sin all we want!" As I have prepared to preach these texts, I have thought the same thing. And it seems Paul understood this danger as well. The last two chapters of Galatians show us what walking in this grace looks like. This life of true freedom is a life of walking in the Spirit. In Galatians 5:13-18, Paul explains how the same glorious grace that frees us from the penalty of sin and the condemnation of the law, also transforms our hearts by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit takes up residence in everyone who is saved by grace and He leads us to glorify God, fulfilling the law through love. That is true freedom to be who God designed us to be; Freedom to be who He commands us to be, and freedom to be who He has made us in the gospel. Read through Galatians 5:13-18 and join us on Sunday. 

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