
Acts 2:42-47 The Disciple Making Church

This Sunday will be our first service in the remodeled sanctuary. This is an exciting and overwhelming time in the life of our church. About four years ago, we began talking seriously about building, and through this process we have seen God’s hand working at every step. Of course, the building is beautiful and more spacious and we praise the Lord for His work among us. But what I find more amazing is that, by the grace of God, we have come through this entire project united together as a body. Sunday we have a new church building - but it is the church (all of you) that makes First Baptist Church such an oasis in the desert. I am thankful that God has brought us together to carry this baton that has been passed to us. And just like God led us through this building project, he will lead us to carry out His will as we commit ourselves to the gospel above all, feeding on the word of God together, and investing ourselves in making disciples. God is doing an amazing work among us (I’m not talking about the new building) and what we have at FBC is worth passing down to the next generation. It’s my prayer that no matter what state the word descends into, there will always be a place in Mulvane where disciples of Christ are made and grow strong.

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