
Hebrews 7:23-28 Able To Save To The Uttermost

For the next several chapters, Hebrews will continue to show us the purpose and result of Jesus as our perfect High Priest. Through the first 22 verses of chapter 7, the writer proved to the Hebrew Christians that Jesus’ priesthood is superior to the Levitical priests. Jesus’ priesthood is shown using the picture of Melchizedek, a mysterious priest-king from Genesis 14. Last week, we worked through Hebrews 7:1-22, which was a very complex argument proving Jesus is our perfect priest. If you haven’t listened to the sermon walking through this dense section, I encourage you to do so before Sunday because this week, we will finish chapter 7, examining the conclusion of the writer’s argument. Hebrews 7:23-28 will be much more straightforward. Because Jesus is the perfect priest who lives forever representing us eternally, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through Him (v. 25). Verse 25 is one of the most profound and beautiful truths in the Scripture. Jesus is able to save because He lives forever interceding for His people. Today, our priest is interceding for us by His perfect life and sacrifice. As the Hebrew Christians suffered persecution, they needed to know that their advocate still stands at the throne on their behalf. Their trial is not without purpose or hope. And because Jesus is our priest by God’s own sworn oath (v. 28) our mediator perfectly satisfies every aspect of our justification, our ongoing sanctification, and our future glorification. Jesus is superior and sufficient because only He is able to save to the uttermost.

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