
Palm Sunday

John 12:12-26 The Coming Of The King

This Lord’s Day is often called Palm Sunday, the day that Jesus entered Jerusalem mounted on a donkey to the shouts and praises of Jerusalem. This final entry into Jerusalem began the last days before Jesus’ arrest, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection. This Sunday, we will look at what is often called “The Triumphal Entry” from John 12:12-26. If you had been in Jerusalem that day, it would have been a scene of victory and glory for Jesus. You would have assumed that Christ had finally reached the pinnacle of his ministry, and this messiah was now bringing the Kingdom promises to God’s people. You would have thought that Jesus was about to be proclaimed King and rule from Jerusalem, inaugurating God’s reign over the oppressing nations. Jesus had just raised Lazarus from the dead, which this crowd knew (v. 17-18), and now they saw the fulfillment of prophecy as Jesus rode into the city mounted on a donkey (Zech. 9:9). Yet, no one in the crowd understood the kind of king Jesus had come to be. His disciples didn’t understand He had come to die (v. 16). Within several days, the crowds who hailed him as king cried, “Crucify Him” before Pilate, and even the Pharisees thought he had come to reign (v. 19). Everyone in this scene understood Jesus based on their own expectations rather than who He really was. Yet, before entering the city, Jesus Himself tells them how all must respond to this King. As Greeks desire to see Him, Jesus explains that He would be glorified in His death (v. 23-24) so that His people would be with Him. Then, He tells them the requirement of this King (v. 25-26). Before we come to Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, we must ask if we have rightly responded to this King of kings for who He is.

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